How can I manage many tasks on my Scheduling Calendar?
There are a few setup utilities meant to help larger companies filter tasks on the calendars. This both improves load times, and allows you to manage your scheduling in repeatable steps:
1) Region Groups (Navigate to Setup --> Regions, then click the Region Groups button in the upper right corner.
Using region groups, you can view a group of regions at once. This is great for companies that have properties in more than one state or city.
2) Departments
Setup --> Departments
Each Task Rule can be assigned to one Department. Each Staff member can be assigned to one or more Departments. You can assign any task to any staff- this does not limit your ability to schedule in any way. Recommended Departments are: Housekeeping, Maintenance, Office
3)Staff Tags
Setup --> Staff Tags
Use Staff groups to further break down the Staff in each Department. Frequently used tags are Priority 1, Priority 2, Summer, Part-Time, etc.