Adding Property Images, Videos or PDFs to the Staff Dashboards Image Tab

Images, Videos, and/or PDFs can be entered for each Property to be used as a reference for your staff while they are in the field.  

Videos are entered as iframe embed codes, available from many video hosting sites. Operto Teams does not host videos.  Here are a few: - we list this first because it works with Camtasia and Snagit, two of our favorite tools!

Note: Please remove all special characters in file names. Like: ;:"'<>

1.  Start in Setup --> Properties, then click the Images icon.

2.   In the Images and Videos listing screen click + Add New Image or Video or + Upload Bulk Images

3.   Upload the  Image or PDF and/or add the Videos Embed Tag.  Then fill out the form.  

4.  Open a Staff Dashboard scheduling Calendar --> Click on db in the Staff Column and review the Images Tab to ensure the information is populating the form as desired.

Tip: Use the Bulk Edit at the top of the page to quickly add Titles and Descriptions after Bulk Uploading Images.