Upload Bookings from CSV
1) Go to Setup --> System Settings, Click the Edit button then under Import Bookings With a CSV Flat File
Check Generic Import
2) Go to Setup --> Properties.
Open the import spreadsheet and find the column that contains the unique identified for that property. This could be "Property Name" or "Property ID".
For each property, click Edit (the Pencil icon)
Edit each property and scroll down to the Bookings section. Check Generic Import CSV and enter in the unique identifier.
3) Go to Bookings Click the Actions button and choose Upload Bookings.
Prepare your spreadsheet for upload
You can download an example CSV on this page or modify the spreadsheet you have.
-- Be sure all columns listed are present in your spreadsheet and named exactly the same
-- Be sure you save your spreadsheet into CSV format
-- Be sure all columns listed are present in your spreadsheet and named exactly the same
-- Be sure you save your spreadsheet into CSV format
Choose your file and then click Submit to upload.