Upload Bookings from Escapia Export

Booking exports from Escapia can be imported into Operto Teams. The export must match exactly the format described.  There are 2 phases:

1) Setup.  you will do this one time to prepare Operto Teams for the imports.

2) Uploading.  Once Operto Teams is ready for importing, you can import spreadsheets anytime.


There are 2 steps to getting Operto Teams ready to accept flat file (csv) imports from Escapia. 

1) Go to Setup --> System Settings, click Edit

Scroll down to: Upload Bookings With a CSV Flat File

Check  Escapia

2) Go to Setup --> Properties.  
Open your import spreadsheet and in column C the header should say "Unit Code".  

For each unique unit code listed, Add or Edit the property.  

Find the section Booking Source Option: CSV Import 
Check the Escapia option and enter in the corresponding Unit Code.  


Navigate to Bookings List in the grey navigation.  Click the  Actions button and choose   Upload Escapia Bookings

The export file format is described on the page, and there is a downloadable sample file. Choose the Escapia Booking CSV Export and click Submit. If a booking is found with the same check-in date as one already entered, that booking will be updated, a new booking will not be added.