Staff Dashboard User Guide with Time Tracking
- When you arrive at your first house click on the Operto Teams Icon.
- Click Start Task. This will perform a Clock-In and open the Task for you to view.
Optional: Click the green Clock-In button to start your day if you start working before starting a task.
Submit an Issue
If you run across a problem at the property you will immediately submit it through the issues form.
- Click the +Issues button to open the Issue Form.
- Complete the Issues Form fields, Issues Name, and Description.
- Check the appropriate Issue Category as well as Urgent if the Issue is pressing.
- Upload as many images as needed for the issue.
- Tap Take Image.
- Tap Take Photo or Video. Then tap Retake or Use or
- Look in your photo library and tap photo (photo will auto-upload).
- Click Submit Issue. A notification will immediately be sent to your manager.
Complete the Task
- Click Complete when the task is completed and everyone assigned to this task is done. This will stop the timer and remove the task from the dashboard of every person assigned or
- Click Done to stop your Task Timer and leave it open for others. If others are clocked in when the green complete button is selected, the system will ask "Are you sure? This will Stop Timer for You and all Assigned"
Pause the Task
- Click Pause Task Timer if you are not yet done with this task, but need to go to a different task (like pushing through laundry at a different house).
- Click Start Task to start the timer for the next Task.
- Go back to the Paused Task and click Start Task to resume the timer for the previous Task.
Ending Your Day
Click Clock-out at the end of your workday. This will stop the timer on your day.
Optional: You may Clock-out in the middle of your workday to take a break, for example, if you are taking lunch or picking your kids up from school. To do this Complete or Pause the Task then Clock-out. Clock-in again when you resume the Task.
Download tasks for offline use
IMPORTANT: Before you enter an area without service, you will need to open the Operto Teams dashboard for your most recent tasks to download to your device.
Please be sure memory is available on your device in order to use the offline features. The Dashboard must be open when you go out of service in order to manage and complete Tasks while offline.
- Each task has an indicator that it has been cached into the phone.
- The first 5 tasks are auto-downloaded.
- Additional tasks can be downloaded using the Downloaded toggle while online.
- If the Staff member enters an area with no service, downloaded tasks can be managed.
- PDFs and other Screens (Calendar, Bookings, Settings) not available offline.
IMPORTANT: Once you re-enter an area with service, you will need to re-open the Operto Teams dashboard for the information to upload to the Administration Site.