The Calendar will not let me change the Task to a different date?
Want to move a scheduled cleaning task to a different date and the system won't allow it?
Your Task Rules have restrictive Complete Task Within parameters so that cleaners have to complete the Task on the day it is assigned. There are several ways to address this problem.
Solution 1: Add Standard Task
The simplest way to address this without affecting other settings is to:
- In the Scheduling Calendar --> Click on the Task and choose Make Inactive, then
- Click the Actions button --> Add Standard Task feature to add a new task for the property.
Solution 2: Expand Complete Task Within Parameters
Your Task Rules have restrictive Complete Task Within parameters.
- Goto Setup --> Task Rules --> Edit.
- Scroll down to Scheduling Details and modify the Complete Task Within information. This will change the Task Window parameters and allow drag and drop scheduling to broader dates.
Once the Task Window is expanded then
- in the Scheduling Calendar --> drag and drop the task to the day requested.
- Or Click on the Task and change the dates --> Save.
- grant or revoke staff permissions to change the Task Date go to Setup --> Staff --> Scroll down to Dashboard section