Bookings Detail Pop-Up Window

Manage and adjust Bookings within the Bookings Popup Window

There are two ways to Access the Booking Popup Window 

1. On the Master Calendar select the desired Booking

2. On the Bookings page select the property and choose Apply, click edit (pencil icon) next to the desired booking and the Popup window will appear

Booking Popup Window Fields

Per Booking information can be adjusted here

Note: Booking Tags can be added or managed in this window, this is an advanced feature. For more information see Booking Tags

Tip:  Dates of imported bookings can not be edited in Operto Teams until the day of checkout. Update the dates in the booking site, or make the imported booking inactive and then manually enter a new booking.

Tip: Within the Booking Popup Window, any associated Tasks or Booking changes are listed at the bottom. Tasks can be accessed by clicking on the Task name.