Unscheduled Task and Issues Form

Unscheduled Task or Issues are created by the Staff and completed by the Staff. This feature can be used by specific Staff to identify a non-standard task that they encounter in the field, and complete, such as "tree fell on roof".  Once the Unscheduled Task or Issues option is checked then choose a Task Name and select additional Issue Options including adding Notes, Notification, and Images.

Add Unscheduled Task and Issues Form to Staff Dashboards

  1. Setup --> Staff, click Edit (the pencil icon) then scroll down to Unscheduled Form 
  2. Check Show Unscheduled Task or Issues Form on the Mobile Dashboard  
  3. Select the field options to include on the form.
Tip: Choose an Unscheduled Task name that represents the typical Task such as Housekeeping, Maintenance, or Miscellaneous, or even the Staff member's name. See the image below to review how the assigned name "maintenance" appears on the administrator dashboard. 

Once selected to Show, the following link will display on Staff Dashboards.

To open Unscheduled Form → Click on the link in the Dashboard and the following Forms will display.

Tip: If Time Tracking is used, use the  Add Task button . This will allow the Staff Member to Track their time for an Unscheduled Task.

Once the Task has been completed, the Task will be marked as complete and will flow through to reports.