Administrator Dashboard User Guide
The Administrative Dashboard is the top-level view of important items (and the screen you go to when you log in). There are two navigation areas. The utility and settings links are on the right. The daily operations links are in the middle, where all of the day-to-day tasks can be managed.
The Dashboard is designed to give you a quick overview of key data points with direct links to address each one. Key priorities include:
- The number of Overdue Tasks.
- Click on Overdue Tasks to view the task report and review see what is currently overdue.
- Click on the Double Check Icon to
- Mark all Overdue Tasks Complete. This will set the completion date in any reports to the day that the task was scheduled.
- Mark all Overdue Tasks Inactive. This will remove all the Overdue Tasks from your reports but will still allow them to be visible on the Master Calendar.
- The number of Issues.
- Click on Issues to link into the Issues page.
- The number of Days with Auto-Clock outs indicator will only show if Staff Time Tracking is turned on. The number indicates a review of days with auto clock outs is needed and actions such as changing dates, times and/or clearing flags should be taken.
- The number of Unassigned Tasks. The number indicates the Tasks on your calendar that are currently unassigned in the next 7 days. Click on Unassigned Tasks to go to the Scheduling Calendar.
- The number of Tasks Pending Acceptance. The number indicates Tasks that have not Been accepted or declined. Click on Pending Acceptance to go to the Scheduling Calendar and view Pending Tasks.
- A Priority or Additional Notices box may appear if there are additional items needing attention such as New Operto Teams functionality, no properties, payment notices, specials, and/or other information.
Note: Pending Tasks for the working week will only be listed if the Accept/Decline feature is being used. They will only be listed if they are showing on Staff Dashboards. This is based on the number of days the Staff is allowed to view Future Tasks in Setup --> Staff.