Linens and Laundry Packing
Provide your laundry room bag packing instructions with Operto Teams' simple Linen Counts features. There are 3 steps to setting up this feature:
Step 1: Setup Default Linens and Tasks
1. Define the linen fields for your company in Setup --> System Settings as a comma delimited list of each linen item or linen groups.
2. In Setup --> Properties, set the default counts for each property, either through the bulk edit descriptions and linen counts, or by editing an individual property. Enter the counts comma delimited in the same order as the fields entered in step 1 above. You may also enter text notes as needed. Once the numbers are entered, you can check your work using the Show All Details link to view the counts in tabular format with the Fields entered in step 1.
Check the Update current and future bookings to push the counts into the bookings.
Step 2: Define which Task Rules should generate Tasks that will need linens, or need to have linens retrieved/picked up.
If you pack bags based on Check In or Check Out dates this step is not necessary.
Go to Setup --> Task Rules. Edit each Task Rule that needs laundry packing and choose Pack Linen for this Task and or Retrieve Linen for this Task.
As needed, adjust individual bookings counts in the booking popup window from the Master Calendar or from the Linen report. Be sure the counts are added in the same order as the comma delimited list beneath the field. Text notes may be added to the instructions area.
Adjust tasks that need linens through the Task popup window:
Step 3: Using the Linen Reports
Date Range Linen Packing Report
Pull your laundry reports through Quick Reports --> Linen Packing
Choose from the following Results By Filtering:
Linen Tasks - will choose tasks with Linen Packing checked. This can be set in the Task Rules and in individual tasks.
Linen Pickup Tasks - Will show Tasks in which Linens have been set to be retrieved.
Check Out - will show all checkouts for the date range
Check In - show all check ins for the date range
Task Rule - choose tasks to show
Choose the date or date range and use the additional filters to choose properties and columns.
All Property Linen Report
Click the All Property Linen Report button to get a full list of all properties and linen counts.