Import or Upload Bulk Standard Tasks For Multiple Properties

Multiple Standard Tasks types For Multiple Properties can be uploaded through a CSV file from the Actions button on the Scheduling List.

Import Standard Tasks

1. on the Scheduling List page choose the Actions button, select Import Standard Tasks.

2. Create a CSV file containing the following:

PropertyID (from list below)
*ServiceID (from list below)
*TaskDate (mm/dd/yyyy)
*StartDate (mm/dd/yyyy)
*EndDate (mm/dd/yyyy)
StartTime (1-24,0 or empty for anytime)
EndTime (1-24,0 or empty for anytime)
StaffID (from list below - leave blank or 0 to use rule)
Restrict (1 or 0 - set times to restrict by booking times, future bookings will not affect task)
   If the date range is fully within the booking - the task will be scheduled anyways
   The task will also be attached to the current or next booking. -----

Property ID's, Staff ID's and Service ID's can be found by selecting Click for a list of Property ID's, Staff ID's or Standard Task Service ID's on the lower left of this page. 

A sample CSV file is also available on this page (upper left). 

Please be sure there are no extra columns or commas.

Note: Each Property must have the Standard Task assigned in Setup --> Task Rules before import.

3. Choose File and select Submit

4. Review Tasks for import accuracy 

On the Master Calendar, imported tasks can be reviewed for accuracy, and edited as needed.