Making Bookings Inactive

On rare occasions a booking may need to be made inactive, to do this follow the steps below, but be absolutely sure that the booking should be made inactive, rather than the Tasks being made inactive, before proceeding.

Option 1 - Master Calendar

1. On the Master Calendar, click on the booking you wish to make inactive, choose Make Inactive at the top of the Popup Window.

Option 2 - Bookings Screen

1. On the  Bookings page select the property, check to be sure that only one property is selected, click Apply.

2. Find the appropriate booking and click the eye symbol “make inactive” on the right side of the booking.

Additional Information:
Inactive bookings will be removed from the Master Calendar but will still be viewable under Bookings and will be shaded in grey.
Deleted bookings will be removed from the system completely and can not be undone. Only bookings that have been entered manually, rather than being imported, can be deleted.
Deleting a booking should be avoided. If a booking is deleted by mistake, it will need to be manually re-entered via add a booking under Bookings