Upload Bookings from Vacasa
Operto Teams is unable to import bookings from Vacasa. The Vacasa iCal links create double bookings and does not show same-day check in/outs. We can import bookings from the Vacasa flat-file downloaded from their portal.
Upload Bookings from Vacasa
1. Setup --> System Settings --> Set Has Vacasa Properties to YES
2. Setup --> Properties --> Edit (pencil icon).
3. Scroll down to Bookings section --> check Vacasa CSV and enter the associated Vacasa Property ID.
4. Log into your Vacasa portal and download the list of bookings in CSV format. The column headers should include exactly:
Unit Code
Unit Name
Reservation ID
Late Check Out
Total Guests
5. Bookings; Actions button; choose Upload Vacasa Bookings. Choose your file from step 4, and click Submit to import the bookings.