Track Integration

Note: Track iCal links do not provide accurate information about check in and out dates if the gap setting is in place.  Please use API to pull accurate information into Operto Teams. Use the Server key in Track to make the connection.

Track Hospitality Software is integrated with Operto Teams. 

In addition to bookings, the following information can be imported from Track into Operto Teams. 

  • Properties
  • Check In and Check Out times
  • Guest Phone, Email, and Name
  • Owner Stays
  • Guest, Child, and Pet Counts
  • Notes for use with Booking Tags
  • Rent Amounts
  • Deposit Amounts
  • Fee Names are imported into the Notes field for use in Booking Tags

Additional Track integration points include

  • Send Cleaning and Inspection Work Orders into Track and update Property Status to Complete as Cleans and Inspections are complete.
  • Track Booking status must be Confirmed, Checked In or Checked Out to be imported into Teams
  • The Track connection will only work if the Server Key is used to make the connection

Learn more

Looking to integrate Track with Operto Teams? 

Click here for next steps