Duplicate Bookings - Booking Cancelled after Check In

Cancellations that occur on or after check in day should be manually handled.

Early check outs typically create or remove cleans and other tasks in a "non-automatable" way.  For example the guest checked out early, or perhaps never showed up.

Operto Teams does not remove the cancelled booking, which forces the Operto Teams administrator to review the Master Calendar to adjust the bookings and tasks.

Note: Bookings cancelled before the Check In day are automatically removed from Operto Teams

Here is the process to use in Operto Teams:

1) Every day do a quick review of the Master Calendar.

2) If you see a double booking, make the incorrect booking inactive by clicking the booking, then clicking Make Inactive. This will remove that booking and it's associated tasks from the calendar.

3) Make sure any tasks needed are on the Master Calendar - and that the Master Calendar is accurate.

4) Click into the property information (folder or name) and adjust the Status to be accurate.

It is very important you remove the double bookings by making one inactive to keep statuses accurate going forward.