Owner Notification Rules

Note: Use Owner Options must be turned on in Setup --> System Settings to use this functionality

Owner Notification Rules allow Owners to be notified before a task is scheduled and after tasks are completed. 


  1. Turn on Use Advanced Notification Rules and Use Owner Options in Setup --> System Settings

Add Owner Notification Rules

  1. Setup --> Owner Notification Rules
  2. Click Add Owner Notification Rule in the upper right corner of the page
  3. Enter the name of the Notification Rule, this is an internal field
  4. Enter the content of the Subject and Email that will be sent to staff in the Text and or Email Notice field  Click on Show Email Fields for variable names to insert into your email.
  5. Select the checkbox next to the name of the Task that will trigger the Notification
  6. In the dropdown menu at the bottom of the page, choose the number of days to notify.
    1. If the number is negative, this is the number of days before the Task is scheduled.
    2. If the number is over 0, this is the number of days after the Task was scheduled and will only go out if the Task is Marked Complete.
  7. Click Save

Notification Rules can be edited (pencil icon) or deleted (red X)

Tip: Select Upon Completion to trigger a notification immediately after the task is marked complete.
      Use the below shortcodes as placeholders for all fields. Include the brackets.
      [ownername] - Owner Name
      [propertyaddress] - Property Address
      [propertyname] - Property Name
      [taskstring] - Task Name, Short Title and  Date
      [taskstringwithtime] - Task Name, Short Title,  Date and Time
      [taskdate] - Task Date
      [tasktime] - Task Time

Tip: Turn off Notify Task Completed notice in Setup --> Staff and Owner Notifications to avoid multiple notifications.  

Tip: Emails and Text notifications will only be sent to owners with  Send Email settings checked.  Set in Setup --> Owners