Why Didn't the Task Time Update When the Check-Out Date or Time Changed?

Q: The check-out time or date changed to an earlier date or time but the Task stayed at the previous scheduled date or time, why?

A1: When the Booking time is changed to an earlier time on checkout, the Task will not automatically move backward.

This is by design, to give Administrators control over the task time and not automatically move tasks to an earlier time than originally scheduled.

The logic is that if a guest were checking out at 4 a.m. to catch a flight, it would be undesirable for Teams to automatically move Tasks back to a time that is earlier than what was originally scheduled. This could lead to confusion for scheduled staff.

Administrators should manually review the updated checkout time and adjust the Task times as needed. 

A2: By design, a Check Out Task will not move back to check out from its originally scheduled date. This is to avoid Tasks moving on their own after they may have been intentionally scheduled for a specific date. 

When the Task Rule is set to be constrained by the Bookings; if a Booking comes through with a check-in date on or before the scheduled Task Date, in that case, the Task would automatically be moved as needed to accommodate. Making sure the Task is Scheduled on or before the next check-in. 

If the desired result is for the Check Out Task to stay on the date of check Out, adjust the Task Rule to Complete Within "Same Day".