Using Staff Templates

Staff Templates can be used to set up multiple staff with standard settings. This can be especially helpful for high Staff turnover or large quantities of Staff.

The process is

  1. Add Template with the settings appropriate for a specific Department or Level of Access.
  2. Create a new Staff Member from the Template.
  3. Adjust the Staff Member with specific settings.

Access Staff Templates

  1. In Setup —> Staff
  2. Find the Template administration on the page

Add Staff Templates

There are two ways to add Staff Templates.

  1. Create Template from a Current Staff Member
    1. Edit a Staff member
    2. Before Clicking Save, check the Check to Save as Template box.
    3. Enter the Template Name in the text box below.

  2. Create a Template using the +Add Template button

Using Staff Templates

  1. Choose the Template in the Templates Dropdown
  2. Click the Add Staff from Template button, which will prefill the fields in the Add Staff screen.

Editing and Deleting Templates

  1. Choose the Template in the Templates Dropdown
  2. Click Edit Template or Delete Template as needed.

    Note that Editing or Deleting templates will not affect Staff members previously set up.