Can a group email be sent to notify other employees that a task is complete?

Q:   After a task is complete, can an email notification be sent to other staff?

A:   Yes.  Notifications can be set up to alert other staff tasks have been completed in two ways.

Route 1:

  1. Go to Setup Administrator Notifications 
  2. Use the Staff Dropdown Menu to scroll through staff who have been assigned as administrators (they can be given administrative access with no permissions). 
  3. Select the first staff  to adjust notifications.
  4. Click Edit
  5. Review Properties visible by this administrator.
  6. Choose the Task Rule (such as Check Out Clean) to link to completion notification.
  7. Using the dropdown menu choose email, text or both as the method of notification in the complete column.
  8. Hit the Save button at the top of the page.

Route 2: 

Set up a group email address as an administrator through your email program.