How do I clean up my Administration Dashboard?

Q: How do I clean up my Dashboard?

A: If your Dashboard looks like this, follow the instructions here to address each area. 

Access the Administration Dashboard by clicking on the Operto Teams logo in the upper left

Overdue Tasks

1. Click on  Overdue Tasks to view the task report and review what is currently overdue.

2. Click on the  Double Check Icon to either;

a. Mark all Overdue Tasks Complete. This will set the completion date in any reports to the day that the task was scheduled.

b. Mark all Overdue Tasks Inactive. This will remove all the Overdue Tasks from your reports but will still allow them to be visible on the Master Calendar.


1. Click on Issues to link to the Issues page

2. Use the Check All selector or check the applicable issues and click Close Checked to quickly close many issues at once. 

Days with Auto-Clock Outs

1. Click on the  Days with Auto-Clock Outs, and review and edit each day listed in the Auto-Clock Out Dates dropdown.

2. Click on the Eraser Icon to Clear all Auto-Clock Outs

Tip: Clicking the Clear all Auto-Clock Outs button will only erase the yellow background color on the Tracking page for staff who forgot to log out. It will not change the Task or Shift times. 

Unassigned Tasks

1. Click on Unassigned Tasks to go to the Scheduling Calendar, assign the task in the unassigned row.

Pending Acceptance

1. Click on Pending Acceptance to go to the Scheduling Calendar and view Pending Tasks

Tip: Remember to click Clear in the Sticky Filters at the top of the Scheduling Calendar to clear the Pending filter.