Owner Task Reports and Owner Task Notifications

Operto Teams includes Owner reporting features such as Tasks Completion Notifications and Task Reports.

Note: Use Owner Options must be turned on in Setup --> System Settings to use this functionality

View Owner Reports 

Selected Tasks will display in the Report link on the Owner's Dashboard.

Owner Report Example

Tip: Larger companies sometimes enter their Owner representatives as the Owners in Operto Teams, so that they can be in charge of reviewing and forwarding reports.

Setup Owner Reports

Owner reports will display customized Task Reports on the Owner's dashboard based on fields preselected in Task Rules and Elements.

Important Tip: Once Task Rules and Elements are activated to show Owners they will be displayed in the Owner Report.  We highly recommend following the steps to modify Owner Reports and review your work after Setup.

Choose Tasks Rules to display in Owner Reports.

  1. Go to Setup --> Task Rules
  2. Edit each Task Rule to 
  3. Click Yes for Active for Owner Report 

Choose Elements to display in Owner Reports.

  1. In Setup --> Task Forms
  2. Click on Manage Elements --> Edit 
  3. Check Show Element on Owner Report.

Modify Owner Reports

After Notifications and Feeds (Task Rules and Elements) Setup  → Review the Owner Report for each Task.  Opening tasks is also the method for modifying any owner report.

  1. From the Scheduling Calendar --> click the Completed Task to open the Task Detail Pop-up Window. 
  2. OR from Reports --> Task History --> Click on Task.
  3. Check Active for Owner to display the report on the owner dashboard.
  4. Check Include Report Items to Enter Owner Report Notes and/or adjust Employee Submitted Notes.
Note: Owner Report Notes can only be entered on Task Detail Pop-up Window.   Staff Notes to Owner are generated on the Staff Dashboards 
  1. Check Include Task Form Elements and check the Elements to show on the Owners Dashboard. Elements preselected in Task Forms --> Manage Elements are the only ones to show.

Setup Owner Notifications

Owners can be notified as tasks are completed by Staff.  

Note: Owner notifications are an optional feature. Owner reports can be activated on owner dashboards regardless of notification status.
  1. Go to Setup --> Staff and Owner Notifications --> Click Edit

There are three types of notifications available for each Task Rule. All notifications are sent automatically when staff Marks a Task Completed on their dashboard: 

  1. Select the method of communication (None, Email, Text or Both) to send the Notification to the Owner when a Task is completed.
  2. Check Include Staff Note to Notify the Owner when a Task is complete AND Include Staff Note. The Staff Note will also appear in the Owner Task Report.
  3. Fill in the Default Note to Notify the Owner when a Task is complete AND Include Staff Note with a Default Note Option. (This note is editable on Staff Dashboards)