Task Accept/Decline

Staff can be prompted on their Dashboards to Accept or Decline each task assigned to them. 


  1. Turn on Task Accept/Decline for each Staff.
    1. Navigate to Setup --> Staff
    2. Click edit (pencil icon) for the desired Staff record 
    3. Under the Dashboard section, check the box next to  Accept/Decline each Task.
    4. Choose backup Staff upon decline 

    5. Select the Notification for Send Notice Daily of Tasks not Accepted

2. Then go to Setup --> Administration Notifications to set up notifications when Tasks are Accepted and Declined. 

Staff Dashboard

  1. Staff will find 2 new buttons on each Task: "Accept" and "Decline". If you are using Time Tracking, the "Start Task" button will not show until a Task is Accepted.
  2. If a Staff Declines the Task, it is removed from their Dashboard, and will be assigned to the backup Staff selected in step 1d. If the backup Staff declines the Task will be unassigned
  3. If a staff Accepts the Task, the Task stays on their dashboard and the Accept and Decline buttons no longer appear for that Task
  4.  If adjustments are needed after the fact, they will need to be done on the Administration Site.

Administration Area Tracking

Track Accepts and Declines in your Scheduling Calendar.

  1. Help Key explains the icons indicating Accepted, Declined and Pending. The Pending Sticky Filter allows a view of Tasks that have not been accepted.
  2. Icon's will only show on staff rows that have Accept/Decline functionality enabled
  3. Pending means, the task has not yet been Accepted or Declined
  4. Use the Pending Sticky Filter to view tasks waiting to be AcceptedDeclined Tasks are moved into the Unassigned row at the top
  5. If a Task is moved to another staff, it's Accept/Decline status is removed and it becomes Pending.
  6. Administrators can Accept a Task on behalf of Staff by clicking on the task, and checking the Acpt checkbox in the Task Popup Window.

Tip: Accept Decline History can be accessed in the Task Popup window near the bottom, and in Reports --> Accept Decline History. The number of Tasks pending acceptance will also be displayed on the Administration Dashboard