Sharing Issues with Owners

Note: Use Owner Options must be turned on in Setup --> System Settings to use this functionality

Administrators can communicate issues to owners through Owner Dashboards and through a customizable Email Template. 

Issues Link on the Owner Dashboards

The Issues Navigation Link is available on Owner Dashboards when an Issue is selected to Show on Owners Dashboard.

Select Issues to Show on Owner Dashboard

There are three ways to show issues on the owner dashboard.  All are accessible from the Issues Page.

 The first method (one step) adds the Issue and related notes to the Owner Dashboard.

  1. Click Owner Icon Toggle (Head of Person) for the Issue.
  2. Use the checkboxes on the left of the screen to select multiple Issues and then click the  Show Checked on Owner Dashboard button.

The second method is multiple steps but adds the Issue, related notes, and selected images.

  1. Click Edit (the pencil icon) for the Issue.
  2. Choose Show On Owner Dashboard
  3. Add or Edit Issue and Notes for the Owner. 
  4. Select the Images to show by clicking or unclicking available photos.
  5. Upload any additional photos.
  6. Click Save

The third method allows you to Add the Issue to the Owner Dashboard during the process of Emailing the Issue to the Owner (see next section).

Email Issues to Owners


  1. In Setup -->System Settings.
  2.  Check Allow Administrators to Send Issues to Owners.
  3. In Setup --> Owners
  4. Click Edit (the pencil icon) on the Owner.
  5. Enter Owner Email.
  6. Check Send Email Notifications.

Email the Owner and Choose Owner Dashboards Setting

  1. On the Issues page
  2. Click the Manage menu button in the Status/Manage Column.
  3. Click Send to Owner to go to Owner Email Pop-up Window.
  4. Check or Uncheck Show on Owner Dashboard.  
  5. Check or Uncheck the Images to show.
  6. Edit the Email Subject and Text 
Tip: Merged fields items are enclosed in [ ].  The email template will autogenerate the field based on data entered in the larger program. Delete non-desired [Images] by referring to the image order in the top section of the pop-up window.
  1. Select photos to show by erasing or leaving the Merge Tags.
  2. Click Send Notice.
Note: Issues can not be closed by the Owner from the Owner Dashboard. Shared Issues can be marked as closed by Administrators on the Issues page.