
The Issue page is designed to ensure that no issues slip through the cracks.  Issues can be easily viewed, tracked and managed by designated staff at designated properties. Field and office access to the Issues page is a tap or click away. 

Tip: Only one Issue Flag (Damage, Maintenance, etc) can be selected when reporting an issue. The Issues Flags are customizable in System Settings

Access Issues Form

There are multiple ways to add issues.

  1. Issues  --> Add Issues button in the upper right corner of the page.
  2. Scheduling Calendar --> db link in Staff Column --> Expand --> Click on Issues Form
  3. Scheduling Calendar --> link in Staff Column --> Accept --> Start Task --> Click on Issues Form
Note: When an Issue is added using the Add Issue button on the Issues page, by design, notifications are not automatically sent. Use the Manage button to manually send notifications to applicable Staff.

Add/Submit Issue

  1. Create an Issue Name.
  2. Description of the Issue including known details that may be needed to solve the issue.
  3. Select and check the box that best summarizes the Issue Type.  
  4. Upload images and videos by choosing and uploading the file from a phone photo app.
Tip: To allow video upload from the Staff Dashboards, turn this on in System Settings
Note: Videos cannot be added to Issues after they are submitted. Videos can only be added from the Staff Dashboard while submitting the Issue. To make video content available from an Issue after it is submitted, or while adding an Issue manually from the Issues page, convert the video to Screencast or Vimeo (or other similar formats/services), add the linking URL to the Issue.

Setup Staff to Manage Issues.

Viewing and managing Issues is a responsibility delegated to specific staff.

  1. Setup --> Staff 
  2. Check Allow Administration Area Access then select  Issues in the Access Area.
  3. Click Save.

Manage/Resolve Issues

Managing Issues can be accomplished from the Issue page on the  Administrative Site

Tip: Understanding Issue vs. Task - Think of the Issue as the problem and the Task as the action being taken to resolve it.


The status of an Issue is a visual reference tool for managers to see the current standing of an issue. 

  1. The status defaults to New when issues are reported.
  2. In Progress is used for issues that have Tasks created and assigned or are in any other way progressing.
  3. On Hold is for issues that are waiting to be handled.
  4. Cataloged can be used as a creative bucket or can allow users to catalog an issue they are managing through other software. For example, properties needing gutter repair in the spring are recorded in a to-do list in Slack. In April the slack list is sent to Gutter Guy and he completes the jobs. Once the issues are resolved they are closed in Operto Teams.


The Manage button presents multiple options for resolving the issue.

Send to Vendor, Owner, Email and Staff all open a window to quickly send the issue to the desired selection via email. The date, time and recipient of the email will automatically be added to the Issues Page. Click on View Sent Notices for a list of notifications that have been sent.    

Add Standard or One-Off Task will add a new Task to the Scheduling Calendar and on the staff dashboard.  Additionally once a Task has been created the action will be displayed on the issue page. Please read Add Standard or One-Off Task Article for more information.

Click into the task from the open link icon (shown above) to ensure staff is assigned.  

Add Multiple Tasks will add multiple Tasks to the same property. 

  1. Use the dropdown menu to Fill in Task Name then add the Start and End Date to clarify the time window available to complete the Task (notice the upcoming bookings for the property at the bottom of the page).
  2. Click Save.
  3. Use the people icon and toggle icon to show on Owner Dashboards and or make billable. 

Time Saver Tip: Use the checkboxes on the left of the screen to select multiple Issues and then click the  Show Checked on Owner Dashboard button.

Parent and Child Issues

If an additional issue is reported while Staff is working on a Task that was created from the Issues page, it will appear as a new Issue at the top of the page and there will be an option to Close, Attach and Copyon the left side of the page. 

The new Issue will then be closed and become a  Child Issue, attached to the Original Issue or Parent Issue. The Child IssueTitle and Description will be copied into the Parent Issue. To access or edit the information in the Child Issuego to theParent Issueand Click on the text (screenshot below). The window to edit/viewwill open. 

Issues can also be attached to one another by clicking into the Issue using the pencil icon. Select the Parent Issue; Save to attach and then manually close the Child Issue using the Blue X button. 

Tip: Child Issues can be detached from Parent Issues by going to Reports --> Issues History, and deselecting the Parent Issue.

Edit Column

Close removes the issue from this screen, and removes the damage, maintenance or lost and found flag from the property. If you close an issue by mistake, you can reopen it through Reports --> issues History.

Edit allows the user to add additional notes and adjust the details.

Delete removes the issue permanently.  

Note: If an issue is reported for the wrong property by mistake, use the dropdown menu to select the correct property. Child issues will also be moved to the selected property.
Tips: 1. Use Close not delete to view the resolved issue statistics in your reports.
         2. Issues can also be assigned to items on the Issues page by clicking edit and choosing Assign to Item. This is helpful if there are continuous problems with a certain appliance.