System Settings

System Settings are global to the system. This help page is designed to show you how settings will be used by the global system.

Access and Edit System Settings

  1. Go to Setup --> System Settings --> Edit in the upper-right corner of the System Settings page.

Toggle between Live and Set-up Mode

  1. Check to Go Live.  Uncheck to go back to Set-Up Mode (turns off all notifications). You can also adjust Go Live Date on this page. 

Setup General Settings

  1. Double-check Time Zones
  2. Choose the Date Format
  3. Custom Same-Day Check-Out and Check-in Abbreviation.  This abbreviation is important as it will show up on the employee dashboards to inform them of their timeline.
  4. Choose the Task Sort Order. The system will automatically sort tasks assigned to each employee, each day, in the Scheduling Calendar. The sort order transfers to the employee's dashboard by displaying daily tasks in order. the tasks are always sorted by time first.  Then sorted by regions, and so on).
  5. Set the standard Default Check-in/Out Time.  This setting can be adjusted per property and per booking, if needed.
  6. Check International Messaging, if staff need to use international cell phones. 

Functionality Settings

  1. Linen - For businesses with a Laundry Facility choose Linen; Save then choose Edit again to enter Linen Fields for commercial linen or laundry facility use. Learn more about Linen feature Linens and Laundry Packing
  2. Vendors - Select for businesses that use Vendors that will be sent issues and use an Operto Teams Vendor Dashboard. Learn more about Vendors
  3. Tagging - For businesses that service over 50 properties, choose  PropertyTags and Staff Tags to set up additional filters for your calendars. Learn more about Property Tags; Staff Tags
  4. Notification Rules -  Advanced notification rules allow notifications to be sent to any assigned staff upon task completion. Or to Owners regarding upcoming service visits. Learn more about Task Notification Rules; Onwer Notification Rules
  5. Advanced Rule Settings - Advanced Rule Settings include pets and Booking tags. Not available for most imports. Learn more about Booking Tags
  6. Quickbooks - Transfer completed tasks and staff time tracked into Quickbooks Enterprise, Pro or Online (time tracked not available for online version)

Owner Settings

  1. Turn Use Owner Options on if property owners will be using Owner Dashboards and or receiving notifications.
  2. Check to use Stripe for Owner billing
  3. Check to allow administrators to Send Issues to owners. Uncheck to prevent staff from emailing owners.
  4. Check to show Labor, Materials, and Linen fields per Task Rule and Task (if tracking costs and or billing using Stripe). 

Staff Related Setting

  1. Choose standard Day-End Time.  Day-end is the latest staff typically works each day.  Day-End affects the system in two ways; First, Day-End sets the time that uncompleted tasks become overdue and notifications are sent. Second, Day-End sets the time the system will auto-logout staff who forgot to log out. Managers need to check staff hours daily (See Recommended Daily Procedure) to ensure correct reports and payroll.
Tip: If an employee forgets to clock out for the day, The system will auto log them out for the time they completed their last task. If an employee forgets to mark a task complete the system will clock out that task and the employee's day with the Day-End Time.
  1. Choose Start Notification Time. Start Notification Time is the time morning notifications go out. 

Tip: Set the Notification Time only an hour or so before your typical workday starts to prevent waking staff up too early.

  1. Check to enable Piece Pay if you pay a fixed price or set time for each task. Or if you pay any staff only for time tracked while working on a task, and not for the full day.
  2. Check to show Piece Pay Amounts on the Employee Dashboards to allow staff to see earnings per job.
  3. Check to show Scheduled Start Time on Employee Dashboards if you would like employees to see the time they need to be at work. (We recommend off)
  4. Show Task End Time on the Scheduling Calendar - The End Times shown on the Scheduling Calendar will be the maximum time that is set for the Task. (We recommended off)

Issues Settings

  1. Choose Allow Video Upload to have this option in the Issue Form on Staff Dashboards.
  2. Change/Adjust the Issues Types names and abbreviations.
Note: Change the standard Issues Types globally. If you replace the standard Issue Types, Staff Dashboards will use the text exactly without translation. Issues History Report will also reflect the change of these Flags.

Import Settings

Some companies do not want to import sensitive information available through various connections such as owner, guest email and phone numbers, rent and deposit amounts, and/or booking tags in Operto Teams. Uncheck the following boxes to prevent specified information from importing into Operto Teams.

  1. Check to try to import Owners (will overwrite).
  2. Check to try to import guest email and phone number (not available from all feeds)
  3. Check to try to import Rent and Deposit Amounts (not available from all feeds)
  4. Check to try to import Bookings check-in and out times (not available from all feeds)
  5. Enter Tags by entering a comma-delimited list to import as tags for each booking (no spaces).

Import Bookings With a CSV Flat File 

For systems that do not have a feed, this is a way to export booking data from the proprietary system or evolve to import into Operto Teams. See Import Bookings from CSV.

  1. Check to upload bookings from one of the sources available.

Home Automation- Smart Locking System Integrations.

These companies work with locking systems.  They handle sending codes out to guests and/or cleaners to let them know when they can enter the home. Operto Teams integrates with the following companies to automate communication regarding departures, arrivals, services, and more.

  1. Integrate Point Central.  See Point Central Integration and Setup.
  2. Integrate BeHome247.  See BeHome247 Integration and Setup.
  3. Integrate Operto. See Operto Integration and Setup
  4. Virtual Concierge 
  5. Brivo See Brivo Integration and Setup
  6. Air Linen See Airlinen Integration and Setup