Mark Checked Out

Mark a Booking as Checked Out to update the Property Status, update Task Times, and send Notifications.

Note: Task Time Updates and Notifications are only sent/updated if the Property Booking Check Out is Today and it is marked Checked Out more than 10 minutes before the scheduled Check Out Time.

Setup Setups

1. Checked Out Property Status

In Setup --> Property Statuses create a Status with the Set on Check Out option.  

2. Notifications

In Setup --> Administrator Notifications and Setup --> Staff and Owner Notifications use the Checked Out notification setting.

3.  Setup --> System Settings Select the option to Move Task Times on Checkout (this is optional).


Navigate to Quick Reports --> Check In/Outs

For Property Bookings Checking out there is a Check Out button under the Status column.  

Click the button to:

1. Update the Property Status

2. Send the notifications of the early check out to Administrators and Scheduled Staff (notifications are only sent if checkout is more than 10 minutes away)

3. Optionally move the task times to the earlier time (times are only updated if the checkout time is more than 10 minutes away)

Note: Use the additional Check-In option to update the property status that is selected to be set on check-in.